What is a beast in human clothing? 

Have you ever seen a person who seems to be gentle, but he’s just a dick? Learn this Chinese idiom to talk about people who are good on the outside but rotten inside!  衣冠禽獸(Yīguānqínshòu): A well-dressed beast. It is used to describe a seemingly educated person with...

Expression of today: hit close to home

There are times when we feel emotionally relatable to things happening around us. Learn to use this expression in Chinese to show how you think! 感同身受(Gǎn tóng shēn shòu) 聽到他被霸凌的經驗讓我很難過,因為真的太感同身受了! Tīng dào tā bèi bà líng de jīngyàn ràng wǒ hěn nánguò, yīn wéi zhēn de...

Expression of today: 聽聽就好

There are moments in life when you are forced to listen to people complaining. But you can let those words pass through your ears, not your mind. This is what the expression of today is about: 聽聽就好! 聽聽就好(tīng tīng jiù hǎo): to not take one’s word to heart, to ignore...