Have you ever seen a person who seems to be gentle, but he’s just a dick?

Learn this Chinese idiom to talk about people who are good on the outside but rotten inside! 

衣冠禽獸(Yīguānqínshòu): A well-dressed beast. It is used to describe a seemingly educated person with bad morals.


  • 沒想到他平常看起來人好好的,原來竟是個無惡不作的衣冠禽獸
    • Méi xiǎngdào tā píngcháng kàn qǐlái rén hǎohǎo de, yuánlái jìng shìgè wú’èbùzuò de yīguānqínshòu
    • Unexpectedly, he usually looks nice, but he turns out to be a well-dressed beast who does all kinds of evil.
  • 他看來人還不錯,竟會做出如此傷天害理的事,簡直是個衣冠禽獸。
    •  tā kàn lái rén hái bùcuò, jìng huì zuò chū rúcǐ shāngtiānhàilǐ de shì, jiǎnzhí shìgè yīguānqínshòu.
    • He seems to be a pretty good person, but to do such an outrageous thing, he is simply a beast in clothes.

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