Mandarin vocabulary list:

  1. 反骨 (Fǎn gǔ): Rebel
  2. 路邊廣告 (Lù biān guǎnggào): Roadside Advertisement
  3. 醫美診所 (Yīměi zhěnsuǒ): Aesthetic Medicine Clinic
  4. 玻尿酸 (Bō niào suān): Hyaluronic Acid
  5. 微整形 (Wēi zhěngxíng): Micro Plastic Surgery
  6. 尋人啟事 (Xún rén qǐshì): Missing Person Notice
  7. 隆乳 (Lóng rǔ): Breast Augmentation
  8. 巨乳 (Jù rǔ): Large Breasts
  9. 奶奶(Nǎina): Dad’s mother; another meaning is a girl’s breasts (a rather obscene term, please do not use it casually)
  10. 大奶(dà nǎi)Big breasts: big breasts (a rather obscene term, please do not use it casually)


1.反骨(Fǎn gǔ): 反逆者

2.路邊廣告(Lù biān guǎnggào): 道路広告

3.醫美診所(Yīměi zhěnsuǒ): 美容クリニック

4.玻尿酸(Bō niào suān): ヒアルロン酸

5.微整形(Wēi zhěngxíng): ミニ整形

6.尋人啟事(Xún rén qǐshì): 人探し広告

7.隆乳(Lóng rǔ): 豊胸手術

8.巨乳(Jù rǔ): 大胸

9.奶奶(Nǎinai): 祖母(または俗語で胸部)

10.大奶(dà nǎi): 大きな胸(俗語)

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