EP79: Taiwanese food we hated as kids

Mandarin vocabulary list: 傳統小吃 (chuántǒng xiǎochī): Traditional snacks   很油膩 (hěn yóunì): Very greasy   水煮肉 (shuǐzhǔ ròu): Boiled meat   真的很極端 (zhēn de hěn jíduān): Really extreme   大腸麵線 (dàcháng miànxiàn): Intestine noodle soup   仙草 (xiāncǎo): Grass jelly  ...

EP78: Reasons Why Foreign Residents Choose to Leave Taiwan

Mandarin vocabulary list: 有共鳴 (yǒu gòngmíng): Resonate   大致上 (dàzhì shàng): Generally speaking   大概可以猜到 (dàgài kěyǐ cāidào): Can probably guess   搞不好 (gǎobùhǎo): Maybe   不好惹 (bù hǎo rě): Not easy to mess with   整體來說 (zhěngtǐ lái shuō): Overall   怎麼想都覺得… (zěnme...

EP76: What is your daily routine?

Join hosts Cathy and Cindy as they delve into the rhythm of daily life, offering a glimpse into their routines and sharing valuable tips for achieving a restful night’s sleep. In this episode, you will learn how to express the importance of establishing a daily...