見(jiàn), mean to see, 外(wài) means outside, but what does 見外(jiàn wài) means in Chinese?

This word means to treat someone as an outsider.
It is used when you feel someone is being too distanced from you by acting too politely and wanting that person to relax.
My aunt often used this word, especially when I said “thank you” to her. For her, we’re relatives, and we see each other very often, making her feel uneasy to hear me thanking her so formally. That’s why she often says:
- 不要這麼見外啦 (Bùyào zhème jiàn wài la)
- 你太見外了(nǐ tài jiàn wàile)
I’m not sure if we can have an equivalent expression in English, but I guess it would be something like: “Don’t treat me like a stranger,” or “Don’t mention it,” or even “make yourself at home.”
Any ideas are welcome!