Stop using 他很有錢; try something more authentic to say!

口袋很深(kǒu dài hěn shēn): to have very deep pockets
The literal translation of this expression is “the pocket is bottomless.”
If you want to hint that the person is wealthy politely, this is the right saying to use!
- 他今年出國玩十次了欸! 口袋一定很深。
Tā jīnnián chūguó wán shí cìle āi! Kǒudài yīdìng hěn shēn.
He’s been abroad ten times this year! He must have bottomless pockets.
- 那個轉學生全身上下都是名牌,他爸媽口袋一定很深。
Nàgè zhuǎn xuéshēng quánshēn shang xià dōu shì míngpái, tā bà mā kǒudài yīdìng hěn shēn.
That transfer student is covered in designer labels, his parents must have deep pockets.

好野人(hǎo yě rén): The rich
This word is borrowed from the Taiwanese to refer to those who are loaded.
We usually use this word to describe people with many lands or real estate.
- 聽說這一整條街全部都是他們家的,真的是好野人欸!
Tīng shuō zhè yī zhěng tiáo jiē quánbù dōu shì tāmen jiā de, zhēn de shì hǎo yěrén āi!
I heard that the whole street is owned by them, so they are so rich!
- 像他們那種好野人怎麼會懂我們這種市井小民的感受呢!
Xiàng tāmen nà zhǒng hǎo yěrén zěnme huì dǒng wǒmen zhè zhǒng shìjǐng xiǎo mín de gǎnshòu ne!
How can rich men like them understand the feelings of an ordinary man like us?

家裡不缺錢( Jiā lǐ bù quē qián): not in short of money
The literal translation is “home doesn’t lack money,” and therefore, a nicer way to say a person’s rich.
- 你就讓他請客啊! 反正他家又不缺錢。
Nǐ jiù ràng tā qǐngkè a! Fǎnzhèng tā jiā yòu bù quē qián.
Just let him treat you! It’s not like his family is short of money anyway.
- 他家不缺錢,他根本沒必要出去打工。
Tā jiā bù quē qián, tā gēnběn méi bìyào chūqù dǎgōng.
His family is not short of money, there is no need for him to do part-time jobs.