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哈囉大家好,歡迎來到CathyChinese, 我是Cathy.
第一次和陌生人見面時,除了名字之外,大部分會聊到的內容不外乎是工作和職業吧! 所以如果別人問你在哪裡工作的時候,
Hello everyone, welcome to CathyChinese; I am Cathy.
Today I want to talk to you about a few Chinese sentence patterns that will be used when meeting for the first time.
When you meet a stranger for the first time, besides the name, most of the things you will talk about are your work and occupation! So if someone asks you where you work,
You can say:
- 我(目前)在______工作/上班。
- I (currently) work at _company_.
Or you can say:
- 我(目前)從事________業。
- I work in __________ business.
Yè has many meanings in Chinese, one of which refers to various jobs in society.
When we use Yè to describe someone else’s work, it sounds a bit more formal.
For example, if someone is a farmer, we can say he is engaged in agriculture;
if someone is a seller, we can say he is involved in the business.
Here are a few common industries:
補教業(Bǔ jiào yè): Supplementary Education
First of all, if a person is in a cram school, the cram school is where students go to strengthen their studies after school. If a person is a teacher in this cram school, we will say he is engaged in supplementary education.

資訊業 (zīxùn yè): Information Technology
If this person is an engineer, and his job content is related to computers, we will say that this person is in the information industry.

金融業(jīnróng yè): Finance
Next, if your job is related to money, for example, this person may work in a bank or some financial institution, then we will say that this person is engaged in the financial industry.

餐飲業(cānyǐn yè): Food and Beverage
If a person’s work is related to food, making food for others to eat, for example, he may work in a breakfast shop, restaurant, or coffee shop, and then we will say that this person is in the catering industry.

服務業(fúwù yè): Service Industry
Next, if a person’s work requires frequent contact with others, we will say that this person is in the service industry. For example, working in a clothing store or department store, the industry that often has contact with customers is called service. Industry.

醫療業(yīliáo yè): Medical
Next, if a person’s work requires frequent contact with others, we will say that this person is in the service industry. For example, working in a clothing store or department store, the industry that often has contact with customers is called service. Industry.

If you don’t want to be precise about where you work, you can say
- 我是上班族。
- I’m an office worker.
If you’re a student, you say:
- 我是學生。
- I am a student
If you come to Taiwan from other countries to study for a short time, you can say:
- 我是交換學生。
- I am an exchange student.
If you are studying at a university or research institute in Taiwan from another country, you can say:
- 我是學位生。
- I am a student studying for degree programs.
That’s all for today! See you next time!