There are moments in life when you are forced to listen to people complaining. But you can let those words pass through your ears, not your mind. This is what the expression of today is about: 聽聽就好!

聽聽就好(tīng tīng jiù hǎo): to not take one’s word to heart, to ignore
- 不用在意他說的話,聽聽就好
Bùyòng zàiyì tā shuō dehuà, tīng tīng jiù hǎo
Ignore what he says. Just listen.
- 他的話你聽聽就好,不用太認真
tā dehuà nǐ tīng tīng jiù hǎo, bùyòng tài rènzhēn
Ignore what he says, don’t take it too seriously.
I thought about introducing this expression because of a small talk I had with my co-worker last evening. We were talking about why the other of my co-worker couldn’t turn down a client’s rude request. He constantly complained to us about this client, saying she was unreasonable and impossible for him to tolerate her anymore. Yet, he still spent time with her to discuss the work and accepted the changes she asked to make.
So, it annoyed my co-worker and me a little since we were listening to his complaint and giving advice on how to get rid of this client. In the end, I told my co-worker:
This means, “If he complains to us later, we’ll ignore him. There’s no need for us to think for him.”