EP89: Hand written or digital journal?

Mandarin vocabulary list: 已經過了一陣子了 (yǐ jīng guò le yī zhèn zǐ le) : It has been a while 期許 (qī xǔ) : Expectations ….是沒有意義的 (… shì méi yǒu yì yì de) : … is meaningless 蠻有道理的 (mán yǒu dào lǐ de) : Quite reasonable 訂計劃 (dìng jì huà) : Make a plan 持續運動 (chí xù yùn dòng) :...

EP88: Chicken Testicle and Lazy Susan

Mandarin vocabulary list: 小撇步 (xiǎo piē bù): Tips 尊重當地文化 (zūn zhòng dāng dì wén huà): Respect local culture 習俗 (xí sú): Customs 難以接受 (nán yǐ jiē shòu): Difficult to accept 內臟 (nèi zàng): Internal organs 吃什麼補什麼 (chī shén me bǔ shén me): You are what you eat 性能力 (xìng...

EP87: We Sing Your Favorite Song in Chinese!

Mandarin vocabulary list: 提升…的方法 (tí shēng … de fāng fǎ): Ways to improve… 歌詞 (gē cí): Lyrics 故事架構 (gù shì jià gòu): Story structure 清單 (qīng dān): List 很受歡迎 (hěn shòu huān yíng): Very popular 副歌 (fù gē): Chorus 經典 (jīng diǎn): Classic 藉口 (jiè kǒu):...

EP86: Favorite Bar in Taipei

Mandarin vocabulary list: 覺得好賺 (jué de hǎo zhuàn): Feels like easy money 同性質 (tóng xìng zhì): Similar nature 便宜又大碗 (pián yí yòu dà wǎn): Cheap and generous 無酒精調酒 (wú jiǔ jīng tiáo jiǔ): Non-alcoholic cocktails 不會介意 (bù huì jiè yì): Won’t mind 通常就那樣 (tōng cháng...

EP85: Convenient Store Coffee vs. Starbucks Coffee

Mandarin vocabulary list: 手沖咖啡 (shǒu chōng kā fēi): Pour-over coffee 反正 (fǎn zhèng): Anyway 也是啦 (yě shì la): That’s true 買一送一 (mǎi yī sòng yī): Buy one get one free 味覺不靈敏 (wèi jué bù líng mǐn): Dull taste 期間限定 (qī jiān xiàn dìng): Limited time only 蠻有特色的 (mán...