If you’re an intermediate to advanced Mandarin learner looking to enhance your language skills, podcasts can be a fantastic resource. They provide a flexible way to immerse yourself in authentic conversations, cultural insights, and advanced vocabulary. Whether you’re commuting, working out, or relaxing, listening to podcasts helps sharpen your listening skills and keeps you engaged with the language. In this list, we’ve compiled the 8 Best Podcasts to Learn Mandarin in 2024, designed specifically for learners who are ready to take their understanding of the language to the next level.

HsinYeh Taiwanese Mandarin 欣葉臺灣華語

當然要來推薦我自己的Podcast啦! 我跟Cindy創作的內容主要是給中級以上的中文學習者練習聽力用的,內容圍繞在台灣的日常生活和人際關係,還有一點海外生活的經驗分享。每集都有逐字稿跟重點單字 (在網站cathychinese.com) 目前總共有97集!

Of course, I have to recommend my podcast! The content that Cindy and I create is mainly for intermediate and above Chinese learners to practice their listening skills. Our topics revolve around everyday life in Taiwan, interpersonal relationships, and some experiences of living abroad. Each episode comes with a transcript and key vocabulary (available on our website cathychinese.com). So far, we’ve produced 97 episodes!

TeaTime Chinese 茶歇中文

這是我目前幾個禮拜聽下來蠻喜歡的Podcast,主持人Nathan和我跟Cindy一樣都住歐洲,算是意外發現的巧合? 我覺得Nathan講話的速度很適中,就算是初級學習者也不會覺得太快的語速,然後我覺得Nathan和他的團隊選的主題都蠻有趣的,連母語者也會想聽。另外我很欣賞茶歇中文的一個點是Nathan和他的團隊把這個podcast用類似企業化的方式經營,相比其他podcast更多了一份專業性,也讓主持人跟聽眾之間的距離變得更近了一些。

Here is the podcast I’ve been enjoying lately. The host, Nathan, and I, along with Cindy, both live in Europe—an interesting coincidence! I find Nathan’s speaking speed to be quite moderate, making it accessible even for beginner learners. Plus, the topics Nathan and his team choose are really engaging, and appealing even to native speakers. I also appreciate that Nathan and his team manage the podcast with a professional approach, which adds a layer of expertise and brings the host closer to the audience compared to other podcasts.

Mandarin Monkey Podcast

如果你還沒辦法一次聽完全中文的podcast的話,那我覺得Mandarin Monkey Podcast會非常適合你,雖然每個單集的時間都快要一個小時,但主持人Tom 跟Ula講話很幽默,很好笑,很像在聽喜劇一樣,所以很快就聽完了。他們的主題也是很日常,然後很跳tone,這是跟其他podcast不一樣的地方,我覺得可以跟他們學習的是用中文small talk的技巧吧!

If you’re not yet ready to listen to an entire podcast in Mandarin, I think the Mandarin Monkey Podcast would be perfect for you. Although each episode is nearly an hour long, hosts Tom and Ula are incredibly humorous and entertaining, making it feel like a comedy show and helping the time fly by. Their topics are very every day and often a bit quirky, which sets them apart from other podcasts. What you can learn from them is the art of casual small talk in Mandarin!

Learn Taiwanese Mandrin with Ms. Lin

林老師是專業的中文老師,他的podcast對我來說更像是一集一集的mini lesson,我覺得比較適合坐在書桌前專心的一邊聽一邊做筆記。當然老師也有訪問很多從事不同職業的人還有其他華語老師,這點也很有趣。

Teacher Lin is a professional Chinese teacher, and his podcast feels more like a series of mini-lessons to me. It’s ideal for sitting at your desk, listening attentively, and taking notes. Of course, he also interviews people from various professions and other Chinese teachers, which adds an interesting dimension to the content.

Bitesize Chinese 說一口好中文

Mandy老師的podcast 對中級學習者來說幫助最大的地方是每集的內容都用很日常的,你可能已經覺得你會了的主題下去延伸,然後補充一些相關用語跟雜談,適合主題類的複習。如果大家有空的話歡迎給Mandy老師五星好評~有些很棒的podcast因為沒有很多好評的關係所以都沒被大家發現,這樣很可惜的。

Mandy’s podcast is particularly helpful for intermediate learners because each episode delves into very everyday topics. It expands on themes you might already be familiar with, adding related vocabulary and casual discussions, making it great for topic-based review. If you have a moment, please consider giving Mandy a five-star rating—some excellent podcasts don’t get discovered simply due to a lack of reviews, which is a real shame.

Mandarin with Local

Yun 老師創作的內容很平易近人,也有蠻多和藝術相關的主題,可能因位老師本身是作曲家的關係?


Teacher Yun’s content is very approachable and features quite a few art-related topics, possibly due to the fact that Yun is a composer.

In addition to audio episodes, Yun also produces videos that I find particularly helpful for intermediate and advanced learners. One of the highlights is the interviews with foreigners living in Taiwan, which I believe many of you will find very interesting.


我相信學中文的大家應該都聽過這個podcast! 這三位老師真的很有趣,每周在Youtube上的直播也有很多世界各地來的學習者分享他們學中文的心路歷程,對中級到高級學習者最棒的一點就是可以知道這些中文講的很厲害的前輩們怎麼練習中文,然後優化自己的學習方式。

I’m sure everyone learning Chinese has heard of this podcast! The three hosts are incredibly engaging, and their weekly live streams on YouTube feature learners from around the world sharing their Chinese learning journeys. For intermediate to advanced learners, one of the greatest benefits is learning how these skilled Chinese speakers practice and optimize their learning methods.


Candice 老師的podcast給我一種很自由自在的感覺,可能是因為老師的聲音很好聽? 我不確定,但我有幾集聽完都覺得Candice老師很平易近人,雖然要聽得懂全部是有點難,但老師也很慷慨的提供免費的學習資料,所以可以一直針對不懂得部分重複聽跟複習

Teacher Candice’s podcast gives me a very relaxed and enjoyable feeling—perhaps it’s because her voice is so pleasant. I’m not quite sure, but I find Candice to be very approachable. Although understanding every detail can be a bit challenging, she generously provides free learning materials, allowing you to listen repeatedly and review the parts you find difficult.

Navigating the multitude of available podcasts to find the perfect fit for your Mandarin learning journey can be time-consuming, but the results are well worth the effort. Our top 8 picks for 2024 offer diverse approaches to language acquisition, ensuring you find valuable resources tailored to your needs. As you explore these recommendations, I encourage you to support the growth of my podcast by leaving a five-star rating. Your feedback helps us continue to provide quality content and supports the community of Mandarin learners. Thank you for tuning in, and happy learning!

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